Wednesday, March 24, 2010

The alive zombie

The night is so cold, so dark that i couldn't see my fingers, and it is so quiet that the blow of winds is the only sound to be heard. There were 4 walls here and a small hole that allow few molecules of air to enter, i touch nothing to grip on. I am findings ways to escape, but there is no place to run and banging into the same walls was not helping to get a way out. In instant i can feel the impact, it was so great that it bounds back quick to my flesh and crushed my ribs.I shouted so hard as if my thoracic cavity was collapsing, my eardrum was vibrating fast at ultrasonic speed from the echo collected. There is still no respond from the outside after X trials.
I am exhausted to continue so i lied down on the freezing floor and respire rapidly to grasping for the limited air with oxygen barely filled. I am hungry asnd thirsty too, what was so great that can fulfil my starvation? No one else was here, i was left alone. That is nothing , nothing left... why is it living as dying? Am i dead?

What is that?
There is that is a sign of my skin burning and needle penetrating through my eyes when there is something shines on me.Shines? A ray of light shinning on me? The dawn breaks again for me? A great delight warms my heart again. The curtains was held up, i was awaken by the same sweet voice i missed a lot. The sweetness of the voice can really bring a person to diebatic almost in second and i am addicted to it so much that i cant live without it. Inhale deep again,i felt new hope, freedom and life all back into my hands.

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