Wednesday, June 24, 2009

the last minute outing in my holiday

wow a lazy morning again hehe.... my alarm rang wor 5 times still snooring lol kesiannya ...... woke at ten okok should start on my psycho research die lu lazy to read lol

nvm go have fun 1st hehe , zhini n sue yen msg wow.. suddenly so many dates lol jkjk
so 1 went out to meet my great buddies( yen n wei wei) at sp really long long time din c them le missed them a lot lot . i say again alooooooooooooooootttttttt!!!!!!!! good thing they r coming to sunway - really soon hehe.. but both of then got hubby sayang liao left me alone sob sob nobody 1 haha . good for them la both couple also so sweet .
sing K at amp karaoke - gosh we got two group 1 keep singing 2nd can play 1 2 juice... swt la
y not singing??
SUE YEN wanna pak tao also next time ma teman ur hubby me n bo yuan damn cham being light bulb again damn gan ga la gosh luckily be4 dat got hao yuan teman haha but he more kesian la no transport to go back , faster thank me for being such a nice person to send u back home while risking all our lives wakkakaka..

SO, Bobo yuan owe me once ya really jam arr go to your house nearly miss my graduation

Ps. miss u guys alll

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