Sunday, June 21, 2009

The miserable and valuable experience in the year!!

Jan, 5th the day i went for my driving test ...morning 8 am (dat is very early for me)not too excited nor bored just normal.. my instructor start briefing us , he told us aim the best car ya , if not mati engine dont blame him must aim properly no insurance 1 =.= well, not to be proud i pass my slope perfectly followby parking n 3 point turn, everything just took 10 minutes.. awesome huh?
wat is next? stupid on the road la engine dead for more than 4 times " kamu turun sekarang jangan buang masa" omg i like wtf i flunk shit the test i waited for 5 hoursss ARRRRRRRRRRRRRHHHHHHHHHHH
i gone pretty sad n angry.. but my story is not end yet because i "sudden brake" too many thime dat my stuff in m bag has drop off, the most important dat i din even know until... i forgot when i start searching my hp.. is gone cant imagine i lost... just like dat ......JUST LIKE DAAATTTTTTT??????????
the phone i precious most now everything has gone, especially the msg u left for me
Or r u telling me dats fate? asking me to accept the fact ??
oH YA maybe..

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