Saturday, April 24, 2010

the blur day

muet......i suppose i din aything correct except myself to the exam hall .zzz
1. i forgot my ic
2. i brought in the wrong exam slip
3. i din bring pencil
damn .. a swt swt day, lucky me is i still feel calm hahah
God is with me.
so i told the teacher i forgot to bring my purse i got nth to proof myself i asked can i call my mom, she said ok go call. lolz
i enter and out the hall dunno how many times liao >.<,
i park my car just 3 steps from the exam hall then i buzzed my car for few times lock and unlock coz forget this and that. wow i think i m incredible. that time i really feel like using a ccloth to cover my face >.< i got no face liao sigh..

Some complaint,
the audio for listening is just really suxxx.. they repeated dunno how many times n the disc got stuck, they even change 3 cds zzzz
at that time we only left last 2 question , i think they just love us so much and refuse to let us go lolzz we spend extra 20 min just for the last 2 question. stupid nia haha

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