Monday, April 19, 2010

Total mess and i am PISSED

i never thought i scare to be lonely dat much.. i dunno what happen to my job i just simply dislike it. Specially i have no motive and objective to be there.
I feel really suffering today, my job might not be really hard but my heart and soul was going hard.
i just do not know wat to do, it was just a total mess.
i need to do spare part, i need to do swap >.< . i do not whether i know should thank my leader coz i din not get scolded of all mistake i have done but i just dont feel so.
the new guy zzzzzzzzz i dunno how to say, sigh is just too much for me to take care off. and i dont really like him much. dont ask why, just a feel.
i miss all my friends and my past colleague derrick and ziin(= jocelyn) which entretained me throughtout all the working period. i miss you all guys^^

Can i still stand this? should i still stand this?

i dunno..... i dunno what i wanted.

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