Sunday, April 11, 2010

The Murder

What is Shark Finning?
  • Shark finning refers to the removal and retention of shark fins and the discard at sea of the carcass. The shark is most often still alive when it is tossed back into the water. Unable to swim, the shark slowly sinks toward the bottom where it is eaten alive by other fish.
  • Shark finning takes place at sea so the fishers have only the fins to transport. Shark meat is considered low value and therefore not worth the cost of transporting the bulky shark bodies to market.
  • Any shark is taken-regardless of age, size, or species.
  • Longlines, used in shark finning operations, are the most significant cause of losses in shark populations worldwide.
  • Shark finning is widespread, and largely unmanaged and unmonitored.
  • Shark finning has increased over the past decade due to the increasing demand for shark fins (for shark fin soup and traditional cures), improved fishing technology, and improved market economics.
  • Shark specialists estimate that 100 million sharks are killed for their fins, annually.
  • One pound of dried shark fin can retail for $300 or more. It's a multi-billion dollar industry.
In other words, the living organism is being chopped down its hands and legs alive and being abandon and let the time to take away its life. They were let lone to die slowly in agony and in hands of human's truculent. Blood were rushing out from the main body because of the broken arms even tears were unseen as it was flushed away by the strong current, the heart pumping weakly, but they are still grasping for air waiting for their last breathe. What will be their prayer? to live or to die? All their sacrifice made us to enjoy our damn shark fin soup to ensure our status and pride. In fact throwing our humanity to the trash bin. And as we consume, we are crushing their crispy arms and legs like a serious killer enjoying after murdered the victim. That was just disgusting when thinking. To be frankly, shark fins were tasteless and only the soup which add the flavour to the dish. In addition, sharks also accumulated many harmful toxic into their bodies through bioaccumulation as their at the top of the food chain. Where is our humanity? do we really need to eat shark fins? I am extremely ashamed of myself which i just taken the dish last week sob>.< , if can i do not ever wanna eat sharkfin anymore.. T.T

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